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Inulin Frutafit® HD (Sensus)

SKU 03-01-56-001
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Inulin Frutafit® HD (Sensus)


Inulin is a polysaccharide (prebiotic) consisting of fructose residues with single residues of glucose molecules. Inulin is obtained from chicory root (Cichorium intybus) by extraction in hot water. The prebiotic value of inulin lies in the fact that in the stomach, through partial enzymatic hydrolysis, substances valuable to us are formed from it - the so-called fructooligosaccharides.

Inulin is a naturally occurring soluble dietary fiber and comes from the roots of the chicory plant. Also called chicory root fiber, this food ingredient has significant, scientifically proven health benefits. Inulin can be used to develop delicious, healthy foods. In addition to fortifying fiber, it can be used to replace sugar and fat while enhancing flavor.

Inulin Frutafit® in food products:
- improves taste and mouthfeel in products with reduced fat content.
- has a high water-holding capacity, which contributes to the formation of a dense gel with a pleasant mouthfeel of fat, and rheological properties, largely similar to those of fat (especially Frutafit®).
- is an essential ingredient for structure formation in foods with low fat and no fat content.

Health Benefits: - Intestinal health. Inulin stimulates the growth of beneficial gut bacteria (such as bifidobacteria) that promote good bowel movement and digestion.
- lowering blood glucose levels. Inulin is recommended for diabetics.
- cardiovascular diseases. Inulin helps lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels. Dietary fiber intake appears to be associated with low blood pressure and a reduced risk of hypertension, heart disease, and metabolic syndrome.
- fewer calories. Inulin contains 50% of the calories of sugar.
- weight management. Inulin increases the volume and slows down the process of emptying food from the stomach.



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