Out of stock
Round Metal Frame H8cm Ø22cm (Pastry.ua)
Round Metal Frame H8cm Ø22cm (Pastry.ua)
Most of the goods in our store are food products, and according to Ukrainian law, they cannot be exchanged or returned.
However, we consider each situation individually and always strive to find a solution.
Of course, we cannot accept any claims arising from the poor quality of the delivery service.
Also, you order the delivery of items sensitive to high or low temperatures (fruit purees, chocolate, etc.) at your own discretion and at your own risk. We do our best to preserve them, but we recommend that you take into account weather conditions and delivery features.
Not sure about your choice or have questions about the product?
We are always ready to help! Write to us in any of the convenient messengers+38 050 184 03 25, and our managers will tell you how to use the ingredient, what to pay attention to when buying and what variant is best for your tasks.
Your perfect desserts start with the right choice 🤍
Материал | Stainless Steel |
Высота рамки | 8 cm |
Диаметр рамки | 22 cm |
Перфорарация | No |
Форма изделия | Round |
Каттер в комплекте | No |
Рецепт в комплекте | No |
Country | Ukraine |
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